We have been collecting all the articles and videos related to The Creative Plot + Barcamper here!

We been working hard with the Barcamper the past 4 weeks to get everything in order and finding ideas in our great and creative region Skåne.

We believe that businesses and ideas are born when you meet others.

That’s why we been running around to find people to talk to, help and get help from. We been meeting so many great minds along this journey. From Jan and Tim in Veberöd who is deeply engaged in Veberöd community, Jenny at Mediagården who printed our lovely small cars who’s going to have a virtual tour. Sven who rents out the camper to us, Solomon who joined us along the journey to do an entrepreneurial research and all the people we talked to at Lund Grand Prix. 

Along this journey we have been mentioned in press and media. One of the funniest meetings so far was with Radioactive who’s going to join us along the tour and document the trip. Hear the whole interview here at Radioactives website! (in swedish)

Another article that we are happy about is in 8till5 here, and also Skånska Dagbladet (in swedish)

And you find our Vimeo channel here!

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