We are looking forward to meeting you during our next stop!

Our Italian partners have shared some tips and tricks to keep in mind when presenting an idea. Barcamper is a new way to pitch an idea to investors. Unlike your average investor, Barcamper offers a nontraditional meeting, without requiring you to travel long distances, suit up or being an expert. Nonetheless, we highly recommend you to prepare well before coming on board!


Each Barcamper stop is organized around meeting slots, no more than 30 minutes long, that you book - yes, you book them.

Time is short, there are lots of topics you probably want to cover, and sometimes your nerves may trick you. This is why we like to share 3 advice and hints with you which we came across with after the initial Barcamper tours.

First of all, you should expect this: 
• A table, a sofa, internet access and (sometimes) electricity. 
• A scouting team, made up of dPixel, The Creative Plot and our partners, ready to listen to your idea and to challenge it. 

1 The Barcamper environment is very informal. There is no need to bring formality onboard. So don't be afraid to talk, listen and most importantly, enjoying your experience. Be open, collect as much feedback as possible so you have good input to reflect on and think about afterwards! We will do the same.

2 The path of creating new business has many ups and downs and you will cross unexplored territory. Some will make it, some will not. 
One key factor is passion. It's important that we feel your passion. With passion everything is possible which makes us like to talk to you much longer than the time limits we have. So, show how passionate you are about your business: this is the best business card you can take with you.

3 During one of our meetings on Barcamper, someone pointed out how much easier it is to show their idea than to talk about it. We totally agree.

Once you are onboard, bring a beta version, a prototype or a mock-up of your product with you. It will help your presentation stand out a bit more. 

Prepare a brief pitch, it will help you in telling your story, whether you have a prototype or you just an idea.
The web is full of templates, e.g. here and here.
Pick your favorite and work on it. 

Time is short, use it well and be ready! 
Looking forward to meeting you during our next stop!

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