Our research assistant Solomon Akele will be following the Barcamper journey around Skåne and meet entrepreneurs. Solomon is an alumni from the Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lund University.
Our research assistant Solomon Akele will be following the
Barcamper journey around Skåne.
Our research assistant Solomon Akele will be following the Barcamper journey around Skåne and meet entrepreneurs. Solomon is an alumni from the Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lund University.
He is particularly interested in three different but interrelated research topics.
1) The translation of the Barcamper concept from Italy to Skåne. What enables, governs and constrains the translation process and with what consequences?
2) How do the norm of entrepreneurship in the Region and each of the specific places visited, and image of entrepreneurship among both the organizers and the participants impacts the final outcome? He follows the people involved in the whole process to find out about their background, aspirations, expectations, and conceptions of entrepreneurship and how those change over time?
3) The challenge in the entrepreneurial support structure to attract a greater number of entrepreneurs and capture new and disruptive business ideas.
Supporting Solomon in his research is a research group from the Sten K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship at Lund University.
Vultus analyserar ytor dubbelt så stora som Sveriges odlingsmark.
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