We want to give a shout out to Robert Hallberg at Däckcenter Autosport in Limhamn.

We want to give a shout out to Robert Hallberg at Däckcenter Autosport in Limhamn.

Our first day on the tour and we got a flat wheel!! Can you believe it!?

So we where panicking and been calling around to find any mechanic with a time slot who can help us fix the tire. But being the evening before the tour starts, nobody had time for us. Except one person! Robert at Däckcenter Autosport. He took time for us and helped us get everything in order so we can drive around Skåne to meet all the creatives.

And the best part with all of this is that Robert really liked what we are doing so he decided to help us, for free!! So in the middle of all the panic, Robert stepped up as our hero and saved the day!

Now you know where to go if you need to fix your car if you want to support a local business who really cares about their costumers.

Many thanks to you Robert from the whole Barcamper team! Our hero, stort tack!!

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